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Picture this: You’re sitting at your work desk typing away on your computer when you start to notice that your low back begins to ache. You adjust your posture, but that doesn’t help. You then recall lifting a box of paper yesterday and wonder if that is what is causing the pain. Did you lift correctly?
Most of the time you will probably remember to use good techniques when lifting heavy objects. But the same rules apply when you are lifting everyday items such as laptop cases, purses, and even groceries. So, are you using good lifting techniques?
In this post I will be discussing:
- Safety Issues To Consider Before Lifting
- Proper Lifting Techniqes
- Common Injuries From Lifting Incorrectly
First, let’s discuss safety before lifting any object heavy or light. Before attempting to lift anything, evaluate the lifting situation by asking yourself these questions:
- How heavy is the object?
- Is your view clear?
- Are you wearing proper shoes?
- Is the surface that you are lifting from stable, dry and free of debris?
And don’t test the weight of the object you are going to lift or put yourself in an awkward position. I myself have done this several times and it usually did not go well. Get some help. It will be worth it. Trust Me!
After you decide you are good to go, use the following steps as your guide:

- Align your body with the object
- Use correct posture
- Lift with your legs
Align Your Body
- Stand facing the object with your feet shoulder width apart. Get as close to the object as possible. Squat down by bending your knees.
Use Correct Posture
- Concentrate on keeping your back straight and tighten your stomach muscles.
Lift With Your Legs
- Your leg muscles are stronger than your back muscles. Let them do the work and take the load off your back. Slowly straighten your legs as you stand up holding tightly to the object that you are lifting.

Avoid These Bad Techniques:
- Leaning over the object
- Bending from the waist
- Lifting the object over your head
- Lifting an object that is too heavy, awkward, or unstable
Common Injuries From Lifting Incorrectly:
- Ligament strains in your back
- Muscle strains in your back
- Herniated discs in your back
So to avoid these injuries in your workplace and at home; always use Correct Lifting Techniques. Also watch out for your co-workers and friends and make sure they are lifting correctly.
As always, please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below. I would love to hear from you!
Quick Disclaimer:
All content in this post is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be diagnostic nor as a substitute for consultation, examination, and treatment by a qualified health professional. Always consult with your physician before making any lifestyle changes.
Source: Sciaticabackpaincures.com