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The short answer is yes! It is important to have a strong core and in this post I will define what makes up your core, it’s importance, and, how to get a strong core.
Where And What Is Your Core?
Your core is at the center of your body. It is made up of the following structures:
- Your Abdominal Muscles including the Transverse Abdominus, two layers of Oblique Muscles, and the Rectus Abdominus
- Your Pelvic Floor Muscles including the Levator Ani, the Cocccygeus Muscle, and the Connective Tissue underneath the pelvis
- Your Hip Muscles
- Your Low Back Muscles
- Your Diaphragm
What Is The Role Of Your Core?
One of the best ways to understand the role of your core is to think about your body as a tree. The core is the trunk so it must be stable and strong so that your branches (arms and legs) can move the way they want and need to.
A strong core helps the body to maintain a correct upright posture in standing and sitting thus eliminating the need for other parts of your body to work harder which may lead to pain in those areas especially when you are working long hours at your desk.
Obviously jobs that require a strong core include ones that involve heavy lifting, twisting, and standing. But less obvious are jobs that involve prolonged sitting at a desk typing on a computer, answering and making phone calls, etc. If your core is weak your body will have a harder time maintaining an upright posture with these activities. See how to get and keep an upright posture at: https://healthyworktips.com/posture-good-vs-bad/
The next question you may be asking yourself is; Why do I need to have a strong core ? and:
What Are The Benefits Of A Strong Core?
- Helps to prevent injuries to other parts of your body as you perform everyday activities.
- Protects your inner organs and central nervous system.
- Improves stability ,flexibility, balance, and coordination.
- Increases your ability to maintain an upright posture.
- Enhances respiratory function and brain power so you can think clearly and meet all those deadlines.
Now that I have discussed the role of the core, it’s importance, and benefits; read on to find out how to strengthen your core without even having to get down on the floor:

Best Exercises To Strengthen The Core
1. Engage Your Core
- Sit straight in a chair with feet flat on the floor.
- Brace your stomach muscles as if you were going to bounce a coin off your abs. They should feel secure.
- Roll your shoulders open to make your chest tall.
- Tuck your pelvis in and tighten your gluteal muscles (glutes). you should feel the lower part of your abdominals engage to support your lower spine. Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat 5 times. Do this several times in the AM and PM.
The above exercise can also be done in a free standing position or standing against the wall.
2. Seated Torso Twist
- Sit tall in your chair with feet flat on the floor and engage your core.
- Hold a light weight in both hands in front of your chest at eye level with your elbows slightly bent.
- Twist your torso gently to one side until you feel a slight stretch. Make sure you twist from the waist and not your shoulders or arms.
- Hold this position for several several seconds and then return to starting position.
- Repeat to the other side. Do each side 5 Times several times in the AM and PM.
3. Seated Side Bend
- Sit straight up in your chair with feet flat on the floor, arms hanging down by your side and engage your core.
- Gently bend to the right reaching your right hand down towards the floor until you feel a slight stretch.
- Hold this position for several seconds and return to starting position.
- Repeat with the left side. Do each side 5 Times several times in the AM and PM.
4. Seated Single Leg Raise
- Sit upright in your chair with your feet flat on the floor knees bent at 90 degrees.
- Straighten your leg so it’s parallel to the floor and hold in place for 5 seconds.
- Gently tighten your stomach muscles as you do this.
- Return to starting position and repeat with other leg.
- Do each leg 5 Times several times a day in the AM and PM.
5. Seated Double Leg Raise
- Start in same position as above.
- Straighten both legs out parallel to the floor and hold for 5-10 seconds as you gently tighten your stomach muscles
- Return to starting position and repeat 5 Times several times a day in the AM and PM.
6. Fast Feet Tap
- Sit close to the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the floor.
- Rapidly tap both feet in place as if you were running tightenng your abdominals as you do this.
- Try to perform this exercise for 30 seconds or more several times a day.
Now that I have given you some tools (exercises) to get a strong core, it’s time to build up yours and start protecting your low back muscles, improving your posture, balance, coordination, flexibility, breathing, and brain power.
In concluding this post I am issuing a Challenge: Try some or all of these exercises for 30 days and see if it makes you feel better and stronger. Leave a comment below and let me know how it went for you.
Sources: https://health.harvard.edu
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Quick Disclaimer:
All content in this post is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be diagnostic nor as a substitute for consultation, examination, and treatment by a qualified health professional. Always consult with your physician before beginning an exercise program.